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Remote Care Monitoring - Observations
Brett avatar
Written by Brett
Updated over 9 months ago

Remote Care Monitoring - Observations


Lookout Remote Care Monitoring is the name of the product that identifies trends and consolidates observational data from a member’s team of Care Workers (Helpers) and external data sources – allowing your business to focus on the most important issues for each member, with a full history, every day.

Lookout Remote Care Monitoring is driven by the observational data entered into the App by the care workforce following their regular visits to the home. The data is analysed and classified by our risk algorithm to identify Members who need investigation, and proactive intervention if required. This data also is then overlaid with visits to create a visualisation of the Member's health timeline.

This allows businesses to close the care loop and ensure the best support and care is being provided to every Member when they need it. The Health and Outcomes page brings together review dates, observations, visit ratings, and the visit schedule to quickly understand your Member.

How Lookout Surfaces Observations

When a Care Worker checks out of a visit (or cancels a visit), they are prompted to leave a note about the Members well being, any changes they notice and anything that might be useful to know (positive and negative).

The notes are analysed, categorised and ranked. Any notes that rank above a defined threshold are raised as an observation to the relevant Care Manager. Classification and ranking are achieved by looking at the frequency of predetermined keywords that appear in the note and their proximity to one another. The analysis is smart enough to understand that keywords that are associated to one another are more important to ones that are not. So word combinations and proximity influence the rank.

New uninvestigated observations will appear on your dashboard. If your Dashboard is blank, you'll first need to be added as a staff member to an existing Community - please refer to this support article.

Investigating the observation

Select the observation on the dashboard and then select Begin Investigation.
Review the note and then decide on the next course of action and complete the categories, risk and follow up actions.

Alternatively, you can discard the observation if it is irrelevant

Observation Categorisations

  • Cognition

  • Emergency

  • External Communication

  • Fall

  • Illness

  • Medication

  • Negative Mood

  • Risk

  • Wound

Care Manager Level of Risk Identification

  • Low (30 Days)

  • Medium (7 Days)

  • High (48 Hours)

Care Manager Follow Up Actions

  • Continue as planned

  • Get more information from Authorised Representative

  • Get more information from Care Worker

  • Get more information from Member

  • Raise an incident

  • Refer to Health Professional

  • Refer to Community Nurse Consultant or approved nurse

  • Update Help Plan and send to Care Workers

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