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Member leave

Understand how to add member leave and manage visits during leave periods.

Oliver Connell avatar
Written by Oliver Connell
Updated over 3 months ago

This article will explain how to capture periods a member is on leave, such as during a hospital visit or respite.

Member leave is managed from the 'Leave' tab for each membership. A leave period has a start date, an optional end date and a reason (e.g. respite, hospital). The 'Leave' tab will show the history of all client leave and indicate any current leave periods.

Adding member leave

To add a new leave period, navigate to the membership and click the "Leave" tab.

Select 'New Leave' and specify the leave times and details. Click 'Save'.

If the member is an HCP recipient, there will be an option to suspend their home care package during the leave period. Learn More

What happens to visits during a leave period?

When adding a member's leave period, more than likely visits will fall into that leave period that will need to be actioned. After adding the leave, Lookout will show a list of potentially affected visits and allow the staffer to select visits they would like to bulk action accordingly.

What happens when a member is away on leave?

Members on leave will have an "AWAY" status displayed on their avatar throughout Lookout.

On top of this, there is a dashboard widget for viewing members on leave.

You can utilise additional filters on the membership listing to sort members who are on leave and those who are not.

A Membership Leave Periods Report is available to export all membership leave periods within a date range.

Editing leave

An existing leave period can be edited by selecting the leave period and clicking the options menu (...). Adjust the leave period and click save.

There are also options to view any scheduled visits during the leave period or to delete the leave.

HCP Leave Deductions

Member leave balances are tracked automatically for HCP members when the Home Care Package is suspended during the leave period. Learn more about Temporary leave from Home Care Packages.

Lookout takes the leave periods and calculates the remaining balance for each type of leave (e.g. hospital, respite, etc.). These are displayed above the membership's leave listing. Based on that, Lookout will calculate the reduced subsidy if that leave allocation is over 28 days.


Can a member go on leave without suspending their package?

Yes, a leave period represents when a member is out of the home for whatever reason. While away, a member has a right to suspend their package, but often, they will not do this as it only makes sense to do so under certain circumstances (usually depending on the Income Tested Fee they pay). This means the staffer can optionally specify whether the member is suspending their package during the leave period.

What happens if leave balance limits are exceeded?

The relevant fees, subsidies, and supplements will be impacted if the member has excess leave.

Lookout will calculate the number of days of excess leave taken in a given claim period and adjust the projected balance and the transactions generated by an HCP claim.

Can I run a report of member leave periods?

A Membership Leave Periods Report is available that will export a report of all membership leave periods within a date range.

Do visits automatically cancel for members with an open-ended leave?

If a member goes on leave without a specified end date, the system allows you to remove or cancel visits within 14 days of the leave start date. For open-ended leaves, we have found that service providers typically contact their clients to discuss progress.

If you know that leave will extend past 14 days, you can use the bulk edit visit option to amend visits in the future as needed.

What happens if a member returns from leave early?

If a member returns from leave early, you must adjust their leave period from the Leave tab on their membership. Any cancelled visits that need to be reinstated can be done manually or in bulk.

Can recurring visits still be created while a member is on leave?

Yes, you can keep recurring visits on the member's calendar while they are away by disabling the 'Suspend recurring visits during this leave period?' option when setting up the member's leave.

However, the HCP package must remain active if you will provide services while a member is on leave.

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