Login management

How to reset a users password, reset two-factor authentication, log out a user or enable/disable a user.

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Written by Hello
Updated over a week ago

The Login Management Access Role permission, allows you to reset passwords and two-factor authentication for others users, as well as the ability to log out a user and enable or disable a user.

To enable Login Management access, please refer to Using Access roles in Lookout.

Once the Login Management permission is included in your access role, you will see a new Login Management pane on a user's profile with buttons for the various Login Management functions.

Send Password Reset Email:

Emails a link to the user that will let them reset their password.

Activate/Deactivate Two-Factor Authentication:

  • Activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Requires the user to set up their Two-Factor Authentication the next time they try to visit an admin page.

  • Deactivate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Disables two-factor authentication and clears 2FA configuration information.

Log Out User:

Logs out the user, forcing them to log in again.

Disable/Enable User:

  • Disable User: Prevents the user from accessing any of the functionality within the app (they will still be able to log in, but they won't be able to access anything). Note that this will also clear the "User Since" time.

  • Enable User: Permit them to use the functionality within the app. This will also reset the "User Since" time.

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