Rates & Products

What are rates & products and how to set them up

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Written by Hello
Updated over a week ago

Rates model the pricing for services that Care Workers (Helpers) offer Clients (Members). Each rate includes a name, description, item code, tax details, suggested default price, company percentage, and quantity type.

When setting up a Care Worker, you have the choice to either keep their prices at the default rate or customise their default prices according to your preferences.

Configuring rates requires Finance permissions.

Creating Rates

To create a new visit rate, navigate to Visit rates in the Settings menu and select New Rate.

Each rate has four components:

  1. Rate Details
    The name of the rate and the description displayed within Lookout and on invoices.

  2. Pricing
    How the rate is charged (Per hour/Per visit) and the unit price.

  3. When the rate applies
    Define the rules so the system can automatically apply the correct rates for a visit.

  4. Finance & invoice settings
    How the rate is taxed (GST/No GST) and associated finance codes.

Define each of the rate components and select Save.

After adding a new visit rate, make sure to link it with all applicable services and membership plans that can be charged with the rate. By doing so, Lookout can recommend the appropriate rate during rostering based on the service, visit day/time, and the client's membership plan.

Updating Rates

There are two options when editing or updating existing visit rates in Lookout. Determining which option to select when applying the rate change is important.

  1. Change for future and existing services

  2. Change for future services only

Option 1: Change for future and existing services

This option applies the rate change to all Clients receiving services from the Support Workers impacted by the update. This will happen when the rate change is propagated, approximately 30 minutes or less after selecting Save.

  • New services scheduled from this point will take the new rate.

  • Any visits that the Support Worker has scheduled with the product that are happening from the next business day forward will use the updated rate in the new contract.

  • Contracts between a Support Worker and any Clients with the product will be expired and be replaced with a new contract using the new rate.
    πŸ•“ This happens overnight and will be in effect for the next day.

Option 2: Change for future services only

This option allows you to 'grandfather-in' Clients at their current rates for already scheduled services. For each Support Worker who is impacted by the rate update, the following will change:

  • The rate they have showing for that product on their prices list will be updated.
    ​This will happen when the rate change is propagated, approximately 30 minutes or less after selecting Save.

  • New services scheduled from this point will take the new rate.

  • Contracts that already exist between a Support Worker and any Clients with the product will not be changed.

  • Any visits the Support Worker has scheduled with an existing Client using that product will not be changed, including those scheduled to occur in the future.

How to edit rates

Navigate to Visit rates in the Settings menu and find the visit rate that you want to edit. Select the more options menu (β–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺ) next to the desired rate and then select Edit.

Make your updates and select Save. From the change review screen, select either 'Change for future and existing services' or 'Change for future services only' and then select Save.

You cannot edit the visit rates while the changes are being applied. Rate changes will take approximately 30 minutes or less to propagate.

Archiving Rates

Rates can be archived and unarchived at any time. This will remove the Rate from the user's view.

Navigate to Visit rates in the Settings menu and select the more options menu (β–ͺβ–ͺβ–ͺ) next to the desired product. Select Archive and confirm you want to Archive the product by selecting OK.

It's important to note that all existing contracts that use this product will continue until those contracts are renewed.

Setting Care Workers Products & Prices

Care Worker products & prices can only be edited by a Workforce user.

To add products to a Care Worker.

  • Select the Care Worker search page and find the Helper.

  • Scroll to the Products & Prices section of the Care Worker Page and select Edit

  • Select the Rates the Care Worker should offer and make any adjustments to the defaults and select Save


How do visit rates link to visits?

When creating a visit, you can select the rate the client will be charged.

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